Sannes Insurance

 Licensed Independent Medicare Insurance Agency
Do you automatically get Medicare with a disability?

Do you automatically get Medicare with a disability?

There are some instances in which Medicare enrollment is automatic and does not require signing up. You may not have to worry about the enrollment process, nor will there be any potential of incurring late fees from not signing up during the Initial Enrollment Period. Medicare takes disability into account here. If you are permanently disabled, and you have been receiving disability benefits, then you will qualify for Medicare.

Automatic Enrollment

Automatic enrollment for Medicare can happen before you turn 65. This is the case with disability. If you have been on disability for 24 months, then you are automatically enrolled.

If you are considered medically disabled, you get Parts A and B. If employed, however, you will only get Part A premium-free for a finite period of time. You will get Part A premium-free for 8 ½ years. After that, you will have to pay for the Medicare Part A monthly premium.

If you have ALS (also known as Lou Gherig’s Disease), you will get automatically enrolled in Parts A and B the month you receive disability benefits. You will not need to be on disability for 24 months before getting the automatic enrollment.

How will I know that I was automatically enrolled?

You will receive a red, white, and blue Medicare card on the 22nd month (or three months before your 25th month) after you have started receiving disability benefits. That card will have your Medicare number on it, with the date which shows when you became eligible. Do not share the details of this card with anyone other than a Medicare representative or healthcare provider.

What if I am disabled and working?

Disabled individuals who gain employment may get additional assistance through a Medicare Savings Program – specifically the Qualified Working and Disabled Individuals program. You can remain enrolled, and your Medicare Part A premium will be free of charge for 8 ½ years after you go back to work. You may also explore other options in the Medicare Savings Program if you become employed and have a limited income.

If you have any questions…

We are here to assist you with any inquiries you may have regarding Medicare and the various aspects of it. Call us today at (509) 993-9887 for more information.